Japan Tour 2022 !!
8月31日 から 9月16日 です!!
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2/13/2020 (Thursday) 8-11:15pm
@Jazz at Kitano
"Birthday Concert"
66 Park Avenue at 38th St
New York, NY
Michika Fukumori (p)Trio
Steve Whipple(b)
Adam Nussbaum (d)
1st set: 8:00pm
2nd set: 10:00pm
$18 cover + $ 20 minimum order
Reservations Advised
212 - 885 - 7119
I am happy to announce that I am going to play with the great rhythm section on February 13th @ Jazz at Kitano..
Believe or not... it' will be my birthday concert!!
Please mark this date.
Thank you very much for supporting this music!!
Michika Fukumori

Great News!!
Thank you so much, The NYC Jazz Record for another nice review about my original composition "Into the New World" from the new album by Steve Kuhn trio!!
スティーブ・キューントリオのニューアルバムに収録された、私のオリジナル曲”Into The New World"について、素敵なレビュー頂きました!!ありがとうございます!!
"Along the way, into their joyous circle the trio welcomes Michika Fukumori’s “Into the New World,” a sunlit field dotted with Kuhn’s expository footprints while also throwing in a couple of standards—not only for good measure, but also to measure the good."
To and From The Heart
Steve Kuhn Trio (Sunnyside)
by Tyran Grillo
Super Jazz Live IGA
Thank you very much for everything about Japan tour 2019! It went really well and ended in success.
My next major performance will be at 'Super Jazz Live IGA' in Japan, at my hometown.
Hope see you there and soon!!!
さてさて次に来るコンサートは。。Super Jazz Live IGA 。故郷伊賀での2日間にかけて、6組が出演するコンサートの第一日目、1番に登場致します。

Japan Tour 2019
Michika Fukumori Trio @ Jazz at Kitano
July 31st, Wednesday
I am happy to announce that I am going to play with the great rhythm section (again! ) on July 31st @ Jazz at Kitano.
Please mark this date. Thank you very much for supporting this music!!
Michika Fukumori
この度、光栄なことにまたJazz at Kitanoでリーダートリオで7月31日に演奏する運びとなりました。前回の11月のまさかの大雪!(しかもあの日あの時間限りの大雪。。普段のワタクシの心がけのせいかしら)のリベンジ!?で、あの日と同じく最高のリズムセクションのメンバーと共にHappyなサウンドをお届け致します。2019年日本ツアー前哨戦となります、こちらのコンサート。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします!!沢山の皆様にお会い出来ますこと、楽しみにしています‼ いつも、心からの温かい応援を頂きまして、どうもありがとうございます
Michika Fukumori Trio @ Jazz at Kitano
Aidan O'Donnell (b)
Billy Drummond (d)
@Jazz at Kitano
66 Park Avenue at 38th St
New York, NY
July 31st (Wednesday)
1st set: 8:00pm
2nd set: 10:00pm
$18 cover + $ 20 minimum order
Reservations Advised
212 - 885 - 7119

fryer artwork by Yoriko Shiraishi
Photos by Andrew Levine & Naoko Imai
ジャズ批評誌208号 (2019年02月25日発売) の 特集マイ・ベスト・ジャズ・アルバム 2018 で、ライターの茂木亮さんに、ベストアルバム2018の5枚のうちの1枚に、"Piano Images"選んで頂きました。
モチロン師匠Steve Kuhnの
"To And From The Heart" も 選出されました。
Great news!!
My album "Piano Images" was chosen as " MY BEST JAZZ ALBUM 2018" by Mr. Mogi Ryo for the Japanese Jazz Critic Magazine " Jazz Hihyo".
Thank you very much!!
Great news!
Piano Images" was choose Best Album 2018 by KMUW Radio station program " Night Train"
I feel so honored and happy!!
They also choose it as Best 40 album in August and December 2018.
Thank you so much for supporting this music, everyone!! "
Michika Fukumori
アメリカのジャズラジオ局、カンザスのKMUW局の"Night Train" という番組の
"Best Album 2018"に
今年発売しました "Piano Images" も選出されました。
順位も 有名、大御所なジャズミュージシャンの皆さんに続いて25位!
ちなみに2018年8月、12月のBest 40にも選んで頂いております。万歳!
今作と前作 "Quality Time"
よろしくお願いいたします 日本では、Amazonなどでご購入可能です)
を発売してくれた、アメリカのジャズ老舗レーベル、Summit Records社。
そして"噂"の!(照れ) "Best Album 2018"の順位表!
KMUW FM 89.1
NIGHT TRAIN Best of 2018
1. Ben Allison – Quiet Revolution (Sonic Camera)
2. Aaron Goldberg – At the Edge of the World (Sunnyside)
3. Stefon Harris + Blackout – Sonic Creed (Motema)
4. Brad Mehldau Trio – Seymour Reads the Constitution (Nonesuch)
5. Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack DeJohnette – After the Fall (ECM)
6. Charlie Haden & Brad Mehldau – Long Ago and Far Away (Impulse)
7. Bill Anschell – Shifting Standards (Origin)
8. Steve Hobbs – Tribute to Bobby (Challenge)
9. Alfredo Rodriguez – The Little Dream (Mack Avenue)
10. Tim Warfield – Jazzland (Criss Cross)
11. Eddie Palmieri – Full Circle (Uprising/Ropeadope)
12. Kurt Elling – The Questions (OKeh)
13. Cyrus Chestnut – Kaleidoscope (High Note)
14. Ted Nash Quintet – Live at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola (Plastic Sax)
15. David Hazeltine – The Time Is Now (Smoke Sessions)
16. Dongfeng Liu – China Caribe (Zoho)
17. Kevin Connor and Swing 3PO – Doin’ the New Lowdown (Kevin Connor)
18. Jambalaya Brass Band – Habana to New Orleans (890 West Music)
19. Charles Lloyd & the Marvels + Lucinda Williams – Vanished Gardens (Blue Note)
20. Jim Snidero & Jeremy Pelt – Jubilation! (Savant)
21. Allan Harris – The Genius of Eddie Jefferson (Resilience Music)
22. Lewis Porter – Beauty and Mystery (Altrisuoni)
23. Gregory Lewis – Organ Monk Blue (Gregory Lewis)
24. Ben Paterson – Live at Van Gelder’s (Cellar Live)
25. Michika Fukumori – Piano Images (Summit)
New Release!! June 2018 "Piano Images"

Thank you so much, Jazz Trail for a nice review about my original composition "Into the New World" from the new album by Steve Kuhn trio!!
スティーブ・キューントリオのニューアルバムに収録された、私のオリジナル曲”Into The New World"について、素敵なレビュー頂きました!!ありがとうございます!!
Steve Kuhn Trio - To And From The Heart — JazzTrail | NY Jazz Scene | Album Reviews | Jazz Photography
"Taken from the Great American Songbook, “Never Let Me Go” is a ballad with a pronounced emotional force, perhaps best remembered through the interpretations from Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett. Even if Kuhn’s version is adept and valid, it doesn’t surpass the hope, grace, diligence, and bliss of Michika Fukumori’s “Into The New World”. Here, bassist and drummer lock in a sophisticated, swinging pulsation that takes the narrative efforts of the bandleader to a peak of emotion."

Thank you, The New York City Record!! It's a nice review by Elliot Simon!!
At the heart of pianist Michika Fukumori’s first solo
effort, Piano Images, is a four-piece piano cycle that
sensitively portrays each seasonal time of the year....
Drawing on her Japanese upbringing, light subtle
touch and imaginative use of space and time Fukumori
creates a suite with exquisite imagery.
A sense of yearning streaked with lovely melodic
hopefulness begins “The Answer Is… (Winter)”
signaling “The Story I Want to Tell You (Spring)”,
a season that she fills with halting naïveté. “The Days
We Were Smiling (Summer)” is a wistful remembrance
decorated with pretty thematic improvisations while
“Tomorrow Is Full Of Promises (Fall)”, given the
pathos of her winter, is an ironically cheerful
In addition, Fukumori includes the blues, music
from the film Billy Elliot and tunes from Antônio Carlos
Jobim, Cole Porter, Richard Rodgers and, most
importantly, pianist Steve Kuhn as personal influences
to round out the session. The latter, who produced the
release, guests on a striking duo performance of his
“Oceans in the Sky”. The funkiness of Fukumori’s
original opener “Colors of the Blues” starkly contrasts
with her thoughtfully evocative ballad “Into the New
World” that follows. Both “Chovendo Na Roseira” and
“Luiza” are original tributes to Jobim that sacrifice the
composer’s Brazilian breeziness in favor of poignant
melancholy while the classically informed “Palco
(A Little Dancer)”, another original, has Billy Elliot
gracefully pirouetting on stage.
Rodgers’ “Where or When” and Porter’s “Ev’ry
Time We Say Goodbye” are given gently flowing takes.
The former does not stray far from the familiar melody
but tenderly caresses time and tempo to enhance the
tune’s déjà vu aspect while the latter closes out the
proceedings with a sinuous version of the standard.
Fukumori’s previous two offerings were trios and
while this solo effort misses some of that straightahead
drive the result is a more personal and delightfully
impressionistic approach.
(For more information, visit summitrecords.com.)
Steve Kuhn(p) trio recorded my original composition "Into The New World" on the new album!!
I am very excited and happy to inform you that Mr. Steve Kuhn (one of greatest jazz pianists in the world! ) recorded my original composition "Into The New World" with his new album "To and From the Heart". It is going to on sale on November 21st from Sunnyside Records.
I feel like another dream come true! I never expected that Steve Kuhn trio... Steve Swallow(b)and Joey Barron(d) played my song. Wow! IYou can listen to there recording here then please purchase it later!!
Modesty my original version of
" Into The New World" is....
I feel like another dream come true!
Hope you would love it!!
Thank you very much!!
The 61st Grammy award voting!!
I am really happy and excited to announce that I am a part of the 61st Grammy award!.
Today they've started the first round of Grammy 2018 voting!
The entries from my 3rd album " Piano Images" are...
1,Michika Fukumori - Colors of Blues (T) From: Piano Images
Entry#: 58713 Format: Commercial CD preferred - Cat. 62 - Instrumental Composition
2,Michika Fukumori - Piano Images (A)
Entry#: 58710 Format: Commercial CD preferred - Cat. 30 - Best Jazz Instrumental Album
To Recording Academy voting members,
I would be honored to have your vote for the first round.
Thank you very much,
Michika Fukumori
第61回目のグラミー賞レースがスタートしました。なんと!前作に引き続き、ご好評を頂いています"Piano Images" が2つのカテゴリーにエントリーされています。此処まで到達出来ましたことにも感謝しきれませんが、更にこの先の"旅路"をドキドキしながら楽しみたいと思います‼ いつも皆様の厚いご支援&応援、本当にありがとうございます‼
11/15 (Thursday)
Michika Fukumori (p) trio
"Piano Images" album release concert
Aidan O'Donnell (b)
Billy Drummond (d)
@Jazz at Kitano
66 Park Avenue at 38th St
New York, NY
November 15th (Thursday)
1st set: 8:00pm
2nd set: 10:00pm
$18 cover + $ 20 minimum order
Reservations Strongly Advised!!
212 - 885 - 7119

8/23- 9/14 Japan tour 2018!!!
Please check up ↓↓↓